Thumbs belong on joysticks... NOT buttons

The Problem

The problem with gaming controllers is that too many functions rely on the use of thumbs. Thumbs should be responsible for the joysticks exclusively not pressing 8 face buttons as well. In Apex Legends, and countless other games, you have to press the face buttons quite often. Some controllers have 4 extra buttons on the back remapped to jump, reload, switch weapons, and slide.  This is better than stock controllers but still not enough.  Each time you want to heal, select a grenade, change the gun’s firing mode, or place an evac tower you need to press buttons on the D-pad.  That means you must move your left thumb off of the joystick which would leave you like a sitting duck.  Obviously, this slows down your in-game movement and leaves you briefly wide open to enemies.  This begs the question- “why don’t controller companies just have more easily accessible buttons to press for ALL 8 of the primary face buttons?” The concept for Get a Grip Gaming was born. Our team was assembled and we started designing a controller that would solve this problem.

The Solution

After 17 months of investing the majority of our time, money, and effort into bringing this idea to life GGG brings you the most unnecessary, yet versatile, gaming controller the world didn’t know it needed- the Ocho.

No longer will you have to lag behind PC players who have an entire keyboard at their disposal. You now have easy access to ALL 8 primary buttons on the face of the controller WITHOUT having to take your thumbs off of your thumbsticks. Imagine the possibilities of your gameplay with 8 remapped buttons perfectly catered to your liking… You thought you were a sweaty gamer before? Just give this bad boy a try and you’ll find yourself saying “just get a grip gaming controller” to all of your e-girlfriends when they ask how you got so good at the game.

GGG is Born

We sweatily welcome you to the Get a Grip Gaming community and thank you for your support. Keep on gaming, gamers. See you at the top of the leaderboards.